Conservative Therapy
The initial treatment option for varicose veins is conservative management. This includes compression stockings, exercise, leg elevation, leg rest and weight loss. These approaches may provide temporary symptom relief but will not make the varicose veins go away or prevent them from worsening, as the underlying disease process of venous reflux has not been addressed.
Compression Stockings
Most insurance companies require a documented period of wearing compression stockings in order to provide payment for procedures, usually a period of 8-12 weeks. Oceana Vein Specialists have multiple different styles of compression stockings available for purchase on the day of your appointment. As a service to our patients, we buy stockings in bulk direct from the manufacturer and sell them at our cost, usually $40-$50. Alternatively, we can provide you with a list of local vendors that carry Medical Grade (20-30 grade) Compression Stockings.
After we document compression stocking therapy was attempted without relief of symptoms, insurance companies will approve advanced treatment for your varicose veins. Definitive, long-term treatments for varicose veins include radiofrequency ablation (RFA), sclerotherapy, microphlebectomy, and cosmetic spider vein treatments.
We work exclusively with Jobst compression to provide you with your compression needs. We carry a full selection of Jobst compression stockings at Oceana Vein Specialists. If you would like to custom order stockings from their catalog, we will be pleased to order them for you. We do not mark up any of our compression stockings, we provide them to you at our cost (typically about 1/2 the price as found in CVS).